Thursday, 12 June 2014

Messenger Of St. Anthony

St. Anthony's Tongue ‘Hammer of the Heretics’

 He is also called the ‘Hammer of the Heretics’ for his earnest and resounding protection of Catholic doctrine against the lies and deceit of the heretics. He was a person who, we are told, always tried to profess the true faith with his whole mind and heart.


"O blessed tongue, which has always blessed God and caused others to bless Him, now it appears evident how great were your merits before God!" 


Miracle of St. Anthony’s involved a group of fish, who rose out of the sea to hear his preaching when heretical residents of a city refused to listen.

The Rector speaks

Fr. Enzo, what is the spiritual significance of St. Anthony’s incorrupt tongue?
The relic, which is unique, is connected to an extraordinarily miraculous event that highlights an important aspect of Anthony’s life and mission.
The tongue is one of the most fragile parts of our body. After death, it is the part of our body that decays first. It is therefore significant that precisely this part of the Saint’s body should be one of the best preserved.
All the supernatural events that occur around us are ‘spiritual messages from God’. Through these events God speaks to us; He sends us some teaching, sign, indication. By preserving St. Anthony’s tongue from corruption, God has shown us that He approved the Saint’s mission and in particular his preaching, which he performed mainly though his tongue and vocal apparatus.

Why is 2013 an important year for the Feast of St. Anthony’s Tongue?
Because the discovery of the Saint’s incorrupt tongue occurred in 1263. This year is consequently the 750th anniversary of this discovery. It is therefore important to mark this anniversary with a series of events and celebrations not only here at the Basilica, but in all churches around the world dedicated to our Saint.

Under what circumstances was the Saint’s incorrupt tongue discovered?
When Anthony was proclaimed a saint, the influx of pilgrims increased even more, and the little church of Santa Maria Mater Domini was no longer large enough to contain them all. The friars then decided to build a bigger church right next door to it, and work began immediately.
In 1263 the new building was almost complete and so it was decided to move the saint’s coffin to the new church. On this occasion the friars also decided to undertake a recognition on his body. This was an important operation, and was undertaken in the presence of religious authorities and 12 laymen who represented the most authoritative citizens of Padua. The Minster General of Franciscans came from Rome – this was Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, a great theologian who was himself later to become a saint.
When the casket was opened something unusual was noticed just below the skull: it was a portion of flesh of a fresh reddish colour. This was the Saint’s tongue which was found to be perfectly preserved. At this point, Saint Bonaventure expressed his joy and surprise with words that have been incorporated into the Antiphony of the Office of the February 15 Feast: O blessed tongue, you have always praised the Lord and led others to praise him! Now we can clearly see how great indeed have been your merits before God.
Anthony’s mortal remains were then placed in a new wooden casket, which was then sealed and reintroduced into the original coffin which, in turn, was placed inside a marble sarcophagus at the centre of the new church. This new church gradually became the great Basilica of Saint Anthony which we admire today.

Full Message Click Below

Messenger Of St. Anthony

The Incorruptible Tongue of St Anthony of Padua




Novena to Saint Anthony to Finda Lost Article:
St. Anthony, perfect imitator of Jesus, who received from God the special power of restoring lost things, grant that I may find [ name the item ] which has been lost. At least restore to me peace and tranquility of mind, the loss ofwhich has afflicted me even more than my material loss. To this favor, I ask another of you: that I may always remain in possession of the true good that is God. Let me rather lose all things than lose God, my supreme good. Let me never suffer the loss of my greatest treasure, eternal life withGod.

How Saint Anthony Brought Fire to the World

Short Story - St. Anthony and the Devil.
From that time on, there was fire in every hearth, and people sit around merrily telling stories on winter nights. Saint Anthony took his pig and returned to his simple life in the desert. 
click below for the Full Story.

St. Anthony's Youth & Conversion

St. Anthony, Preacher and Teacher

MOVIE - Saint Anthony-The faithful knight (Friar of the Saint Francis Order)

Song of St Anthony

The Story of St Anthony of Padua - Youtube

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