Jesus may your Pure and Healthy Blood circulate
In my poor ailing organism and may your
Pure and Healthy Body transforms my weak
Unhealthy body and may a Healthy and Vigorous
Life flow once again within me, if it is truly Your holy will.
(Take a Printout of this Powerful Prayer to be use in Need.)
O Blessed Host, in whom is Contained the Medicine for all our Infirmities, Flowing from Infinite Mercy, as from a Fount, for us and Especially for Poor Sinners.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when the burdens are beyond my strength and I find my efforts are fruitless.
O Blessed Host, our only hope in the midst of adversities and floods of despair.
O Blessed Host, I trust in You when storms toss my heart about and my fearful spirit tends to despair.
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe for the Sick and Suffering
Immaculate Mother, Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, health of the sick, Your anointed heavenly hands healed Juan Bernadino and brought us the River of Light, of Live, and of Health: Into Your heavenly hands I commend my faith, my hope and all my sufferings. Please unite them to the Passion of Your Son, Jesus Christ, that they may serve as instruments of my salvation and the salvation of all my brothers and sisters.
From this moment on, I accept all that the Sacred Heart of Your Son may wish to send me. I desire to complete in my life what is lacking to His redeeming Passion. O Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, I trust that you will give me the strength and all that I need to live with spiritual health and if it serves God's glory and my true well[-being, you will give me my physical health also.
O Mary, so motherly, so kind, heal us and make us whole and let us always be under your glorious turquoise Mantle Amen
If one wants Healing: one can Pray this Prayer :
Jesus : "Let them repent before Me with these words:"
Lord, you have endured me all these years with my sins, but nonetheless You pitied me;
I was led astray in every way, but now I will sin no more; I have wronged You and I have been unjust; I will be so, no more; I renounce sin, I renounce the Devil, I renounce iniquity that stains my soul; free my soul from all that is against Your holiness;
I entreat You, Lord, to rescue me from all evil; Come Jesus now, come now and abide in my heart;
Forgive me, Lord, and allow me to rest in You, For You are my Shield, my Redeemer and my Light and in You do I trust;
From today I will bless You Lord at all times;
I repudiate evil and all other gods and idols, for You are the Most High over the world, far transcending all other gods;
By Your mighty arm, rescue me from ill health, rescue me from being a captive, rescue me from trouble and defeat my enemy the Devil; come quickly to my help O Saviour!
A Prayer of Repentance and Deliverance
This "Exorcism Prayer" was given to Vassula on November 13, 2006
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