Tuesday, 7 January 2014



Wise Men & Woman Offer Every Thing To Jesus -

Their Wretchedness, Misery, Sin.   

I Am Quick To Forgive And Forget

Misery Attracts Me

Wretchedness Attracts Me


What Wise Men & Woman Offer Jesus Today -

Not Gold, Frankincense or Myrrh, But their Weakness, Failures, Shortcomings.

“Come to Me, all of you who are Tired from Carrying Heavy Loads, and I will give you Rest. Matthew 11:28

I Am An Endless Ocean Of Mercy

I Am Renown For My Mercy



Wise Men & Woman Seek Jesus -

In The Confessional (In The Sacrament of Confession - The Tribunal Of Mercy)


Wise Men & Woman Still Honor Infant Jesus -

The Three Wise Men Came Asking - Where Is The Infant King Of The Jews? We Saw His Star As It Rose and Have Come To Do Him Homage (To Worship The Infant King) Matthew 2:2


And so they (The 3 Kings) left, and on their way they saw the same Star they had seen in the East. When they saw it, How Happy they were, what Joy was theirs! It went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the Child was. Matthew 2:9


Catholic Prayer: Blessing of the Home on Epiphany

Catholic Prayer: Blessing of Chalk on Epiphany from Roman Ritual

Catholic Prayer: Epiphany Blessing

Three Wise Men Came to My Door

To this day, the doorways would be sprinkled with Holy Water and the initials of the Three Kings — C+M+B (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar) ...

On Christmas, we get blessed Chalk and Frankincense (one of the Gifts given to Jesus)

C M B stands for Christus Mansionem Benedicat which means Jesus Save this House.

The Three Wise Men thing is just what is popularly believed. Its Written on the Doors in January.


Wise Men & Woman Still Find Jesus with Mary -

When they (The Three Kings) saw the Child with His Mother Mary, they Knelt down and Worshiped him. They brought out their gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh, and Presented them to Him. Matthew 2:11

Nations shall come to Your light, and kings to the Brightness of Your Dawn.

JESUS SAYS: Honor my Mother as I, who is the Word and above, Honor {Venerate} Her. Would I then not Desire you who are dust and ashes Recognize Her as Queen of Heaven, Honoring Her? My Grief of Today is to see how little My creation know of Her Importance. 

JESUS SAYS: Yes, My Mother's Immaculate Heart is United to Mine. I Desire from each on e of you the Devotion Her Immaculate Heart Deserves. You see how Our Divine Hearts are Covered by Thorns from men who only show Us Ingratitude, Sacrilege, Lack of Love; It is the Whole of their Sins. I, who is the Word, Love and Respect Her. I Desire you to Approach My Mother and Honor {Venerate} Her as I Honor Her. I Desire that Every knee Bends Honoring Her.


Wise Men & Woman Find Jesus - 

In the Poor Beggars, In Orphans, In Home for the Aged, In the Sick & Suffering. 

ST.FAUSTINA: When the same poor people come to the gate a second time, I treat them with greater gentleness, and I do not let them see that I know they have been here before; [I do this] in order not to embarrass them. And then they speak to me freely about their troubles and needs. 

Although Sister N. tells me that is not the way to deal with beggars, and slams the door in their faces, when she is not there, I treat them as my Master would. Sometimes more is given when giving nothing, than when giving much in a rude manner.

"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, {even} the least {of them,} you did it to Me. Matthew 25:40

 Sin of Omission [Not Sharing] & Sin's of Self Pity Leads the Soul to Hell.

The Rich can End Up in Hell, because of the Sin's of Omission [Not Sharing their Riches with the Poor - Stinginess & Hording] 

The Poor can End Up in Hell, because of Self Pity, Being Jealous of the Rich, Hating the Rich or Being Disappointed with God & Not Trusting In God.

Sin of omission- knowing to do good and not doing it.

(James 4:17 anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.)
.And sin of commission - transgression or violation of the law of God.
( 1 John 3:4)

Avarice & Greed- The Root Cause of Personal, Family & Social Problems....



In Church, In Spiritual Retreat Center's, In Charismatic Prayer Groups. 




In Church Youth Retreat & In Church Youth Prayer Meetings.



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