Saturday, 18 January 2014

Jesus Loves The Rich & The Poor 

In the Bible, We See Zacchaeus the Tax Collector, Who was a Rich & Wealthy man he Seek's Jesus Earnestly. Luke 19: 1-10

There was a Chief Tax Collector there named Zacchaeus, who was RICH. 3 He was TRYING to SEE Who Jesus was, but he was a Little man and Could Not See Jesus because of the crowd. 4 So he Ran Ahead of the crowd and climbed a sycamore tree to SEE Jesus, who was going to pass that way. Luke 19: 1-4

When the Rich People SEEK Jesus Earnestly by Living a Life of Prayer & Sacrifice - Going to Church {Mass} Regularly, Attend Spiritual Retreats Frequently with Love for God, Then Jesus will Say to the Rich the Same Words He Said to Zacchaeus:   “Hurry down, Zacchaeus, because I Must Stay in your House (Heart) Today.”   

God Does Not Condemns the Rich, Rather I is the Rich who Themselves Chose there Own Condemnation by their Greed, Stinginess & Lust for Worldly Things.

There is Hope of Salvation for the Rich, When they Chose to Live for Christ and Use there Riches for God's Kingdom by Serving in the Church (As Helpers in the  Church) by Giving Money for the Work of  Evangelization, and by Helping the Poor as Zacchaeus Did.

Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, “Listen, sir! I will Give Half my Belongings to the Poor, and if I have Cheated anyone, I will Pay Back Four Times as Much.”

Then Jesus will Say to the Rich, the Same Words He Said to Zacchaeus: Jesus said to him, “Salvation has come to this house today, for this man, also, is a descendant of Abraham. 10 The Son of Man came to Seek and to Save the Lost.”

by Bridon Francis Dsouza.


More Bible References on How the Rich Pleased God:

Please Read - Elisha and the Rich Woman & Her Reward for Pleasing God. 2 Kings 4: 8-37 & 8:1-6.

Job Was a Rich man, Who Worshiped God Faithfully. Job Loses his Wealth but God makes Him Prosperous Again & God Gives him Twice as Much he had Before. Job 1: 1-3, 13-22, Job 42:1-16

Solomon was a Rich man, God Himself Chooses Solomon to be the Richest man Ever. Solomon Gathered Silver & Gold as if it were Tin or Lead. 1 Kings 3:13 & Sirach 47:12-18.

Online Bible

God will not give a man anything Unless he comes Empty Handed.  He has nothing to say to the Proud.  He is Opposed to the Proud (James 4:6).  He Resists the one who has No Need.

Just as He does not give His Wisdom to the one who doesn’t Really want it (James 1:6-8), so also He does not give Spiritual Riches to the one who is Satisfied with the Riches of this World.  He does not Fill Cups that are Already Full.  But when you go to God {To Church & For Spiritual Retreats} with an Empty Cup, He Fills it so that you Cup Runs Over (Psalm 23:5).

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