The Rich can End Up in Hell, because of the Sin's of Omission [Not Sharing their Riches with the Poor - Stinginess & Hording]
The Poor can End Up in Hell, because of Self Pity, Being Jealous of the Rich, Hating the Rich or Being Disappointed with God & Not Trusting In God.
Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus the Poor Beggar. Luke 16:19-31
As we All Know in the Parable Lazarus the Poor Beggar Ends Up In Heaven and the Rich man Ends Up In Hell. The Question Arises, What were the Sin's of the Rich man that Lead him to Hell? And What were the Good Deeds of the Poor man Lazarus that Lead him Into Heaven? In the Gospel Jesus Did Not Tell us that the Rich man was Very Bad (Evil person) or the Poor man Lazarus was Very Holy & a Perfect person, NO, Jesus Didn't Tell that. The Early Church Fathers came to an Conclusion that It was the SIN'S OF OMISSION [Not Sharing his Riches with Lazarus] that Lead the Rich man to Hell, And Lazarus the Poor Beggar went to Heaven because he KEPT ON TRUSTING IN GOD [Not Getting Disappointed with God & Not Giving into Self Pity or Being Jealous of the Rich People] Lazarus Just Kept on Trusting in God in his Poverty {Sufferings} Until his Last Breath, Lazarus Died In Hunger {Poverty} because of the Rich Peoples Stinginess But God Gave Lazarus JOY, HAPPINESS & FULL SATISFACTION for All Eternity in Paradise. God is Faithful.
Lazarus had Sores on his Body but the Rich man had Sores on his Soul.
The Rich man Enjoyed the Best Food on Earth, Satisfied ALL his Cravings and Kept his Riches for himself [In today's Term - Living a Life Style of Indulging in Luxury, Leisure & Spa - Tasting Different Cuisine & Delicacy - Traveling Different Place's Every Now & Then etc] But Sadly the Rich man after his Death Ended Up in Hell, A Place of Never Ending Pain, Thirst, Hunger & Torments..............
The Sad thing is that , there are Souls in Hell who Never Did the Most Evil Things like Murder, Abuses or Heinous Crime and Yet they Ended Up in Hell, Just Because of their Sin's of Omission [Not Sharing] On the other hand there are Souls in Heaven who Never Reached the Heights of Holiness or Did Great Works of Charity, but Just because They Trusted in God & Praised God In their Poverty {Sufferings}, They Did Not Gave Into Self Pity, They Received the Free Gift of Eternal Life In Heaven.
.Sin of omission- knowing to do good and not doing it.
(James 4:17 anyone then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.)
.And sin of commission - transgression or violation of the law of God.
( 1 John 3:4)
Short Movie Clip: Rich Man & Lazarus:
My Heart Decisions Affect Eternity
Jesus Loves The Rich & The Poor
The Amazing thing Pope Francis does after Midnight
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