Saturday, 18 January 2014

Generational Curses - Stinginess, Hoarding, Avarice & Greed

The spirit of Stinginess & Hoarding can Pass from Generation to Generation, and can even Dominate Family's, People of Certain Places, City's & Towns. If Parents are Bound with the spirit of  Stinginess & Hoarding, then even their Children are Most Likely to be Bound with the spirit of Stinginess & Hording - A Generational Curses.                                                 

We even get to See that Majority of People of Certain Places [City's & Towns] are Bound with the spirit of Stinginess, They Behave In a Similar Manner, It is an Evil spirit Strong Hold on them. Only God can Deliver them, if they Confess and Repent - Like Zacchaeus In the Bible ---  LUKE 19:1-10

The Typical Characters of a Stingy Person -  

Those who are Stingy  - They Will Always Shamelessly Ask for Things

Those who are Stingy - They like to go Uninvited at People's Home [Party's]

Those who are Stingy - They will Invite you when you give them a Phone Call but they will not Call you with Personal Invitation.

When It Is Proper To Be Ashamed - Sense Of Decency - Sirach 41:19

Be Ashamed of Leaning on the Dinner Table with your Elbows,

Be Ashamed of Stinginess when you are Asked for something,

When a Stingy Person will Invite you to his Home [For Supper] he will Invite you in a Such A Way that you will Understand that he is Not Inviting you with a Good heart. But when a Generous Person will Invite a Stingy Person [For Supper], this Stingy Person will Not Only Come But he will also Shamelessly Bring his Friends Along with him. Just Give a Little Sing ---- to a Stingy Person, He will come with his Entire Family to your House, But When his Turn Comes to Show Hospitality he will Back Off.  

Bible Says: Proverbs 23:6-8

6 Don't eat with people who are Stingy  [ Selfish Evil Eye People]; ; don't Desire [Long] their Delicacies. 7 "Eat and Drink," they say, but they Don't Mean it [Their heart is Not with you].  They are always Thinking about How Much it Costs [They calculate in their minds the Cost]. . 8 You will vomit up the Delicious food they Serve, and you will have to take back your words of Appreciation for their "kindness." 

The Saying Goes >>>>>>>>>>>
Visit a Rich & Stingy mans House and you will get Poor Hospitality [You will get to See Empty Plates and Food Items Kept only for Display] 

Visit a Poor & Generous mans House, you will get Good Hospitality, he will Send you Full Stomach [Satisfied].

The Reason People Like being Stingy [Shameless] because it does makes them Rich. Stinginess is the Easy Way of Getting Rich but only at the Price of Losing ones soul - Jesus told his disciples, “Do you have any idea how difficult it is for the rich to enter God’s kingdom? Matthew 19:23

The spirit of Stinginess is a Captivating spirit.

If a Woman Marries a Stingy Man, Then With In Few Days She also Becomes Stingy, and Starts Behaving in a Stingy Manner Or if a Man Marries a Sting Woman with in Few Days the Man also Becomes Stingy.  

Difinition of Stingyness

Its Very Hard To Confess [Admit] That We Are Stingy 

"You cannot convince someone to see something that they do not
want to see, no matter how much you know it would improve their
lives. You have to love and accept them exactly as they are
today. If you cannot do that, you have to let them go and find
their own way, in their own time, if they ever choose to do so.
Otherwise, you'll be giving them the power over your happiness,
too." -- Doe Zantamata


Jesus: Never Weep Over Material Things

Sin of Omission [Not Sharing] & Sin's of Self Pity Leads the Soul to Hell.

Jesus Loves The Rich & The Poor 

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