Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Breastfeeding God's Way

God created us with Breasts to Nourish babies. This is His Divine Plan.

The true picture of a woman, created with a womb to nurture life and breasts to nourish that life.


Root of homosexuality -

The Rejection of  Womanly Functions of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Nursing is the Root of Homosexuality.
Romans 1:26-27, "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women (thelus) did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another...."  In this scripture, God spells out the consequences of women who turn away from the way He has created us, including the biological function of breastfeeding. Now please don't get me wrong. I know that some women have not been successful with breastfeeding because of lack of knowledge or even physical disabilities. But it is when we blatantly refuse to nurse that we go against nature and God's plan for us as women. It goes on to say that when men saw women turn away from their God given function, they turned to unnatural lusts. The rejection in our hearts of our womanly Functions of Pregnancy, Childbirth and Nursing is a Root of Homosexuality.

Even the animal kingdom does not turn away from their natural function to nurse and nourish their young. Lamentations 4:3 NIV says, "Even jackals offer their breasts to nurse their young, but my people, have become heartless like ostriches in the desert."

When we breastfeed, we embrace our womanhood and the way that God so intricately and wondrously designed our bodies. We are also blessed with many blessings. Here are some of the blessings we receive when we nourish a baby at our breast.

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We have already talked about the understanding of God, El Shaddai. Let's look a little closer at this word, shaddai.

Sha means “that which is or he who is”
Dai means “enough”
Therefore the meaning for Breast is “that which is enough”

Isn't that wonderful? The breast is total provision for the little babe as he/she nurses. When nursing a baby, we don't have to give supplement bottles, we don't have to give solids and we don't have to give pacifiers. The breast is enough to satisfy the physical and emotional hunger of our baby. God's understanding of the breast is that it is enough!

Now I must reiterate that this natural contraception, which is God’s plan, requires total mothering. You will need to:

a)    Nurse your baby for emotional as well as physical needs

Yes, you'll be nursing more frequently. But don't worry! Put your feet up and have another rest and don't fret! Purchase a baby carrier and nurse while you are walking around and doing household tasks. It is amazing what you can do while nursing a baby. Remember, you are doing a great job! You are nurturing a precious life. There is nothing more important that God wants you to do at this moment!

Psalm 71:3 says, "Be thou my strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort." Even as a grown man, David looks to the Lord for a habitation, to where he can come at any time. I think he is subconsciously thinking back to his early nursing days with his mother when he could come to her at any time. She was totally available as he constantly resorted to her for sustenance. It is a picture of a true nursing mother, isn't it? In fact, have you ever watched little lambs or calves feed from their mothers out in the fields? They have total access to their mothers. They will drink a little and leave it, and then go back and drink again whenever they need their mother.

b)    Satisfy the sucking need of your baby

I am surprised to see so many babies with pacifiers in their mouths. A pacifier is a mother substitute. Babies are born with an incredible sucking need, which must be satisfied. God intends the mother to satisfy that need. Not only does this increase the bond of mother and baby, but also it holds back ovulation. If your baby uses a pacifier, it is likely you will conceive during breastfeeding.

My first three babies were scheduled. Two sucked their thumbs and one sucked her bottom lip. My last three babies were totally nursed. None of them sucked any substitute or needed anything else, even a “cuddly,” to satisfy them. They were totally satisfied and nurtured by the breast.

c)    Don't start solid food until nine months

There is absolutely no necessity to do this before this time. Some bib babies may need to start at six months, but never before. Other babies are not interested until they a year old. You are only substituting an inferior food for the most perfect food God intends for your baby. And if you do, it will also limit your nursing and thus hasten the onset of ovulation. In fact, babies don't really need extra food until they have teeth and can masticate.

d)    Don't use a bottle

Don't give water in a bottle or orange juice. It is totally unnecessary. If your baby is thirsty, nurse from your breast again. Don't ever give a supplement. If you think your baby is not getting enough milk, increase the nursing. Increased nursing will always build up a dwindling milk supply. It is the sucking stimulation that increases your milk. It is impossible to run out of milk if you feed your baby frequently enough.

Babies will often have a hunger spurt at about six weeks and again around three months. They fuss and cry and want to feed more frequently. The mother may think she is running out of milk, but what is happening is that the baby is saying, "I need a bigger supply now," and so he fusses so he can feed more frequently to build up the supply again. The law of supply and demand always works. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, and if you notice that your little baby has continual dry diapers, you’ll know that something is wrong and you must take action.

e)    Nurse during the night

The goal of modern mothers it to get their baby to sleep through the night. A “good” baby is determined by whether he sleeps through the night or not. But night nursing is necessary for holding back ovulation and this is God's intention. Even Paul, when describing himself as a nursing (  Thessalonians 1:7-9). Night feeding is easy when your baby sleeps with you. In fact, it is a very precious experience.

One word of caution. Breastfeeding should not be used for the primary purpose of contraception. It is an added blessing that comes with breastfeeding. Ultimately our trust must be in the Sovereign Lord who opens and closes the womb. If a mother conceives sooner than expected, it is God’s will to bless her with another gift from Himself. Every conception is a blessing, even if the timing may not seem right to us.

Another note. It seems that in our modern day that there is a minority of women whose periods return very quickly even though they nurse night and day and don’t use pacifiers or solids. Some statistics say it is about five per cent and that these are women who have higher estrogen levels.

Biblical Understanding of Nursing:

We have discussed Isaiah 66:10-13. Let’s look at 1 Thessalonians 2:7-9. Here  we notice how Paul uses a number of similarities with a nursing mother....

Gentle                    "we were gentle among you."
Nourishing           the word "nurse" means "nourisher" in the Greek.
Cherishing           "cherishing her children."
Loving                   "affectionately desirous of you."
Available              "we were willing..."
Sacrificing           "we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only,

                                   but also our own lives..."
Night nursing      "laboring night and day."

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Picture Why Do Babies Suck | aboverubies.org

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